Gautam Kapur

Gautam Kapur

Founder BE CONSCIOUS Wellness

Gautam Kapur

What was the driving force that propelled you to start this brand and your journey as a wellpreneur?
Wellness has many branches & it has always been a passion for me from a very young age. My fitness journey started from my school days with sports, martial arts & weight training, which I practice regularly even today. Fitness gives you the kind of mental discipline + mental wellness and physical health which is so needed at this time. So, be conscious is about a lifestyle change, it’s a holistic model that encourages eating clean, exercising, meditating and introspecting. All of these factors can lead you to a fuller life. So, with this vision in mind, be conscious wellness was born!!

How do you think this pandemic has impacted people’s perception of wellness and immunity?
Did that bring a positive impact on wellness brands?
Yes of course there has been a positive impact. It’s also forced people to go within and understand the poor lifestyles they have been leading by eating denatured/ junk food, excessive salt and sugar which has greatly impacted their health. I see some people around me who have suddenly woken up to this and have started taking care of themselves. It’s all about self-love!

What’s the range of products that your brand offers? Please tell about the research and process that goes behind developing your products? How are they different from other products in the market?
Since I am a certified nutritionist, I take personal interest in each of our products. Our range right now includes powerful antioxidants that prevent damage from free radicals. This helps in delaying the onset of ageing, fighting fatigue and preventing a range of chronic and fatal diseases, including diabetes, cancer. We also curate a specialized range of vitamin c + zinc, coq10, ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) moringa, spirulina, omega and many more. We work only with GMP /ISO certified partners.

What’s your mantra for wellness?

The magic formula is 70 % kitchen 30 % lifestyle. And exercise is a must. There are no excuses for being sedentary as this leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes etc.

You are labelled as India’s Superfood Wizard by the prestigious “ENTREPRENEUR” Magazine and your Book Don’t be fooled got rave reviews at the Miami Book festival. You also have over half a Million followers on social media Instagram.

How was the journey?
It been exciting. The momentI decided to write the book I didn’t expect this kind of response. I wanted to share my thoughts and knowledge. Superfood wizard is a nice compliment that I feel honoured about. Social media is the need of the hour and I was told by the PRO”S that it’s all about your content and it just Spiralled when I started sharing so am very active now!

What’s the future for your brand?
What are your future plans?
We are expanding our online business aggressively. I get invited to talk on many platforms as a wellness expert. We will be looking at offline partners very soon.